Everything You Need to Know About Inflating Bike Tires

To ensure that you will have a safe and comfortable ride on your e- bike, it is of utmost importance that you make certain that your tires are in perfect condition as these are the only parts of the bike that touches the ground. Inflating them with just the right amount of pressure as well as understanding its basic parts and function can make all the difference to your journey. In this light, here's everything you need to know about inflating bike tires.

Why do I need to inflate my e-bike tires?

Inflating your e-bike tires with just the right amount of pressure is absolutely necessary because it allows your bike to prevent punctures and adhere its grip to the road. When it comes to inflating your e-bike tires, it pays to know when you're underinflating or over-inflating because both ways can dramatically impact your ride and can even expose your tires to damage.

If you feel that your tires are squishy or soft, you will need to inflate more air into your tires as they are underinflated. Underinflated tires can lead to irreparable damage to your casing and can even severely puncture your tires. Overinflated tires on the other hand will reduce your bike's grip on the road which means that you will have to exert extra effort while riding.

If you feel that your tires are hard like a rock, then it means that you've overinflated your tires. Deflate your tires for them to have just the right amount of pressure. Too much pressure on your tires will inevitably cause you fatigue, especially after a long and harsh ride.

Why are my e-bike tires flat?

It could be that your tires are punctured or have simply deflated over time which typically happens if you haven't replaced your tires for a while. These are the two likely reasons why your bike tires are flat or deflated. To know if your e-bike tires are punctured, simply take off the tubes then start running down your thumb on the entire surface of your tires to check if there's a small hole or other debris that could have punctured your tires.

Once you find the culprit which could possibly be a glass, spike, or sharp stone, carefully remove the debris using an awl or a flat-head screwdriver. For a quick fix, patch the punctured area using a pre-glued patch or a glue-on patch.

However, if you haven't used your e-bike for a while and you're baffled why the tires are flat, then it is more likely because the tires have been leaking air while in storage. It is a common scenario for older tires with worn-out valves that can no longer seal the air effectively. To resolve this, simply inflate the tires and then check them the following day to see if the air is still intact. If you find that your tires can no longer hold the air as they used to, then you may have a worn-out valve that needs replacement.

How to measure my e-bike tire pressure?

PSI or pound per square inch is the standard unit that will allow you to measure the pressure of your e-bike tires. Since there are different types of bike tires, the PSI will also vary depending on the tire that your bike has but you will definitely see the manufacturer's recommended measurement of your tires on the sidewalls.

Although you have to take your weight, weather, and terrain into consideration when it comes to your PSI, it is still highly advisable to stay within the limits recommended by the manufacturer. To measure your tire's PSI, you may use a tire gauge or inflate the tires with a pump that features a built-in gauge. If you only have a tire gauge, simply place the gauge on your tire's valve then press down and wait for the needle to show you the accurate pressure.

From there, you can work on whether you need to inflate or deflate your tire. If you have a pump with a built-in gauge, then you can simply check your tire's pressure every time you inflate it with air.

How to inflate my e-bike tires?

Before you inflate your e-bike tires, there are three basic things that you should remember and all three are listed below.

1. Know your valve type

First, it is important that you know your valve because not all tires are created equal and different tires comes with different valves. The valve is the device that controls the passage of air into your tire and the different types of valve.

2. Use the correct pump

Once you know your valve, you may now choose or purchase the correct pump that will fit to your valve. There are two different types of pumps that you can choose from and most bikers prefer to have both types of pumps as they come with different benefits. For home use, you can get yourself a floor pump which is much bulkier compared to bike-mount pump. Unlike a bike-mount pump, a floor pump will allow you to inflate easier and faster.

However, you can't take the pump with you as you ride since it is really heavy and will only add too much weight to your load. If you need a pump that you can bring with you whenever you go for a ride, then the bike-mount pump is your best option, although it will require you a lot more work to inflate your tires.

3. Check the pressure

Conveniently, the recommended PSI for your tire will be visible on its sidewalls in order to keep you guided. For road bike tires, the recommended PSI is from 80 to 130 while hybrid tires are from 40 to 70 and mountain bike tires are from 25 to 35. Everytime you inflate your tires, it is very important that you check the pressure and ensure that the PSI of your tires are within the range recommended by the manufacturer.


The PSI range that your tire manufacturer provides can guide you but as a rider, it is your decision to choose your most ideal PSI based on your weight, weather, and terrain. As you experiment more on your PSI, you will be able to achieve the perfect number that will work best for you and your journey.

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