Benefits of Riding Fat Tire Electric Bikes
Riding a fat tire electric bike is not only environmentally friendly but also a great way to reduce stress, improve fitness and well-being, and increase physical activity. For the best experience, shop around for a high-quality electric bike from a reliable brand with options that meet your needs.
How to Use Samebike's Display
There are 4 kinds of Displays for SAMEBIKE, If you want to know how to operate display step by step, pls kindly download  user manual through our webstore.
How to Find Your Standover Height and Why It Is Important

The bike standover height refers to the entire length spanning the frame's top tube down to the ground, measured just in front of the saddle where your crotch area would be located. It's simply the distance between the ground and the very height of the top tube.

Renting an Electric Bike vs. Buying an Electric Bike

Renting a bike can be a great way to add in a fun activity when you're on a trip. In addition, it can also be a convenient alternative to driving, replacing the need for a car. A hot new trend on the scene is the electric bike, or ebike for short.

All You Need To Know For Riding Bike While Pregnant

When you are pregnant, every move you make has to be cautious with every step you make. Bike riding is among the activities that you can adopt to have a healthy period during pregnancy. As a bike lover, you might be in a dilemma if you need to stop cycling during the pregnancy period.


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C05 Pro Step-through Foldable Fat Tire Ebike
Designed for Your Comfort Riding
CY20 Portable Commuter Electric Bike
Fast, convenient, lightweight, multifunctional