I was able to grasp this efatbike in 2019 when she was born - Road it Standing Most Of The Time ..... it was just super fun yes super dangerous like any other mechanical bike 🚲 with electricity... Took it - Road it- 1 Flood and it survived it !!! not sure if this is even waterproof but seeing it in other peoples video's riding it on trails and wet trails with streams and rivers .. you would think so? I love it ........................time to part with it as I'm going back to the states sadly :( If anyone would love to obtain my fatbike ...it's yours still looks brand new, I never ride it in the rain and it's always clean and dusted free !!!! You won't find one clean as this in Philippines :) Leaving April 2025 you'll find me on Instagram ..I usually market the FATBIKE and it's stabilities on Instagram. Awesome FATBIKE worth every peso !!!!! Needs a new battery, but I'll be supplying that. :) Have Fun !!! Thanks Samebike I had the blast of a Life Time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐