Practicality and Convenience: Lightweight Electric Folding Bikes
Folding bikes come in all shapes and sizes, and the special thing about them is that they can be reduced to fit in the back seat of a car, on a bus or subway train, or even in the corner of an office or under a desk.
What is the carbon footprint of an e-bike?
In fact, when you compare e-bikes to cars and other forms of transportation, e-bikes win overwhelmingly, especially when it comes to energy and environmental impact.
How to Find Your Perfect Bike Seat Height?
In this guide, we’ll share how to find the right saddle height on your bike, which is primarily focused on road bikes, but it also applies to mountain bikes, gravel bikes, and more.
Electric Bikes for Heavier Riders: What needs to be considered?
If you're a heavier rider looking to buy an e-bike that's right for you, there are some specific issues to consider during the selection process. Unlike the average rider, heavier riders require a more powerful e-bike to support their weight and riding needs. Here are a few things to consider when buying an e-bike for heavier riders:
Cómo reemplazar el asiento de su bicicleta
Un asiento de bicicleta cómodo y bien ajustado puede marcar una gran diferencia en tus paseos. No solo te dolerá menos el trasero después de un viaje largo, sino que podrás mantener una posición de conducción más eficiente, lo que te permitirá estar menos cansado y te ayudará a ir más rápido.